Bluffmeddelanden cirkulerar i Zolvas namn

21 nov 2023, 10:15 GMT

Bluffmeddelanden cirkulerar i Zolvas namn

Utskicken har skett åtminstone via e-post med krav på återbetalning av en skuld.

Vi har fått information om att olika bluffmeddelanden cirkulerar i Zolvas namn. Bluffmeddelanden kan se äkta ut och de kan även vara försedda med Zolvas logotyp. Utskicken har skett åtminstone via e-post med krav på återbetalning av en skuld.

Polisen är informerad om bluffmeddelandena.

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Om du tvivlar på äktheten av ett meddelande som du har fått, kan du alltid kontakta våran kundservice på asiakaspalvelu(at)

Detta meddelande är inte från Zolva:

Bluffmeddelandena rapporterades ursprungligen den 14.11.2023 och nyheten har publicerats igen idag den 21.11.2023 efter att Zolva fått information om de nya bluffmeddelandena.

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Turo Rytsölä: A new direction for the debt collection industry

03 mar 2023, 3:15 GMT

Turo Rytsölä: A new direction for the debt collection industry

"Debt collection industry needs a new direction". This is what debt collection company Zolva's Head of Sales Turo Rytsölä says.

Rytsölä is one of the members of Zolva’s local management team. He is responsible for sales and marketing in Finland.

The collection industry needs a new direction.

This is what debt collection company Zolva’s Head of Sales Turo Rytsölä says.

– The interests of clients, end customers and debt collection companies must be aligned. At the moment it is not happening. We have received a strong message from our customers that the willingness to develop cooperation, especially among the large debt collectors, has been low, he says.

Rytsölä refers to, among other things, transparency. The operations and processes in the industry are not transparent towards the clients,, so the efficiency of the collection process remains unclear. Fees charged to end customers are also often obscured.

As an end-result, the reputation of the entire industry remains weak.

”Our goal is to be a major player in Finland. There is a lot of potential and opportunities. I believe that we will hire 10–20 people in Finland by the end of this year. We are looking for experts especially in receivables management and customer service.”


– The industry would have tools and opportunity to act differently. Methods of handling payments familiar from today’s banking world could also be used in the debt collection industry. Otherwise, the activities towards end customers for paying invoices must be on a completely different level. We are able to offer all the most commonly used payment methods and channels as well as flexible payment plans for paying the unpaid invoice. It improves the customer experience.

Flexibility, modern technology and real-time data transfers

Rytsölä emphasizes the opportunity for clients to make choices. Every collection process can be agreed on a customer-specific basis thanks to a flexible system and modern technology.

The utilization of data is key for success. Data and information related to assignments are transferred in real time between different systems and databases when it comes to transferring an invoice to collection, making a payment, status information or reporting.

– As a result, many things become easier and transparent, such as invoice management, payment and cash flow monitoring, he lists.

Strong footprint in the market

Zolva Group is a new player in Finland and internationally. However, the turnover forecast of the company founded in the second year for last year was already almost 50 million euros. Growth has mainly come through acquisitions.

In addition to the Nordic countries, Zolva has operations in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Luxembourg. The company’s headquarters are located in Norway.

– Our goal is to be a major player in Finland. There is a lot of potential and opportunities. I believe that we will hire 10–20 people in Finland by the end of this year. We are looking for experts especially in receivables management and customer service, says Rytsölä.

Rytsölä himself has almost 25 years of experience in the industry in various sales and sales management positions. According to Rytsölä, all members of the management team have a long history in the industry and the same desire to change the industry.

Zolva’s slogan sums up the desire for change well: ”Because the collection industry must change”.

– All Zolva employees have been driving in the same direction from the beginning. I myself have been able to do a little bit of everything in the beginning, and the growth phase is really interesting. Personally, this has been a unique experience, he admits.

Zolva in brief

  • Founded in 2021
  • Previously known in Nordics under name of Finans2
  • Group’s revenues estimated to be 50 MEUR
  • 650 employees
  • Operations in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Spain and Portugal

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Endre Rangnes partners with a financial giant

25 nov 2021, 5:26 GMT

Endre Rangnes partners with a financial giant

Endre Rangnes partners with a financial giant to introduce a new competitor in the credit management industry. New owners will provide more than NOK 4,2 billion.

The new company of Endre Rangnes, Finans2, partners with one of Brazil`s wealthiest families. Together, they have recently made their first acquisition. In the long run, the family will provide more than NOK 4,2 billion.

Endre Rangnes partners with a financial giant to introduce a new competitor in the credit management industry. This spring Aleph Capital Partners made an agreement with Bank2 to acquire Finans2. The ambition is to use Finans2 as a starting point for further expansion in the European market. Finans2 will be managed by CEO Endre Rangnes, while Jon Harald Nordbrekken becomes the Chairman. Both Rangnes and Nordbrekken are also involved as investors.

Together they will create new pan-European platform with the desire to become a significant pan-European NPL purchaser and servicer.

”We will most definitely benefit from Safra Group`s financial muscles and expertise. The partnership will give us many opportunities in the future”


Enters the market with NOK 4,2 billion

After a period of negotiations Finans2 agreed upon an extensive partnership with J. Safra Group, an international conglomerate controlled by the Safra family. J. Safra Group is committed to contribute with 400 million euros, equivalent to NOK 4,2 billion. Rangnes says the company most likely will provide significantly more capital in the long run.

”The credit management industry is fragmented and barely consolidated. We want to consolidate in the long run. As such, there is a need for more capital”, says Rangnes to Finansavisen. J. Safra Group is a leading company within the industry, and the family-owned conglomerate owns banks and companies across the world. The Group has 270 billion dollars in total assets and 20 billion dollars in equity. Read more about J. Safra Group.

Partnership will add new opportunities

”By having J. Safra Group on board we have a solid financial backing. The Group will be involved in all our purchases to ensure a good return on invested capital”, says Rangnes.

Joseph Safra, the founder of J. Safra Group died last year, 82 years old. He was the wealthiest banker in the world and the richest man in Brazil. According to Forbes, Joseph had a fortune of 13.8 billion dollars in 2020. The conglomerate currently consists of the following banks: Banco Safra, the sixth largest bank in Brazil, J. Safra Sarasin, the sixth largest bank in Switzerland and Safra National Bank of New York.

”We will most definitely benefit from Safra Group`s financial muscles and expertise. The partnership will give us many opportunities in the future”, says Rangnes.

The first Acquisition

Finans2 has offices in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The ambition is to rapidly establish a presence in six to seven countries within a short period of time. The new group has recently made its first acquisition outside the Nordic region, the Iberian company Multigestion.

”With the acquisition of Multigestion, we are acquiring a solid platform in Spain and Portugal and will be well positioned in the financial services segment, focusing both on third party collections and portfolio acquisitions.” Multigestion is a well-established player in the Iberian NPL markets, having operated in Spain and Portugal for close to 30 years. Multigestion has scale, bringing with it circa 250 employees and EUR 5.7 billion of NPLs under management as a third-party collection provider, and mainly serves the financial services sector. Last year the company had a revenue of 8 million euros.

”Previously, Multigestion has not bought non-performing portfolios. We are now scaling up this work”, says Rangnes. Rangnes has recruited the former Spanish CEO at Axactor to be in charge of the scale up in Iberia.

Investment in nutshell

  • More than NOK 4,2 billion for investments
  • Enables geographical expansion
  • First acquisition made in Spain
  • Ambition to establish presence in six to seven countries within short period of time

New ownership structure

Safra Group`s financial muscles and expertise. The partnership will give us many opportunities in the future.

Aleph Capital and Safra Group enters the partnership with 20 million euros each. As such, they will get an 80 percent ownership share in Finans2. Nordbrekken and Rangnes enters the company with a total of 5 million euros, giving them 20 percent ownership.

Buys portfolio in Spain

Initially, Aleph Capital and Safra Gorup enters the partnership with 20 million euros each. As such, they will get an 80 percent ownership share in Finans2. Nordbrekken and Rangnes enters the company with a total of 5 million euros, giving them 20 percent ownership.

”Going forward, J. Safra Group will provide significant equity making them the largest owner”, says Rangnes. In addition to Multigestion, the new platform has also made its first acquisition of a Spanish unsecured NPL portfolio. The portfolio has an outstanding principal of EUR 3.16 billion and consists of 650 000 claims. The portfolio will be managed by Multigestion.

”With the acquistion of Multigestion, Finans2 is already present in five countries. Our initial aim is to expand in the Nordics and Iberia. In parallel, we are working with two/three other countries. We want to enter larger markets such as Italy, France and Germany”, says Rangnes.

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Zolva aqcuires Multigestion and expands to Iberia

18 nov 2021, 5:28 GMT

Zolva aqcuires Multigestion and expands to Iberia

The ambition is to create a leading pan-European non-performing loan platform and collection agency.

Aleph Capital and the J. Safra Group have entered into a strategic partnership to create a leading pan-European non-performing loan platform and debt collection agency

Aleph Capital Partners LLP (“Aleph”) and the J. Safra Group are pleased to announce that they have entered into a strategic partnership to create a leading pan-European non-performing loan platform and debt collection agency. The platform will focus on servicing and purchasing unsecured non-performing loan (“NPL”) portfolios through partnerships with financial institutions throughout Europe. The platform will be led by CEO Endre Rangnes and a new management team gathered under his leadership. Jon Harald Nordbrekken will become the Chairman of the new platform.

“With the acquisition of the Multigestion, we are acquiring a solid platform in Spain and Portugal and will be well positioned in the financial services segment, focusing both on third party collections and portfolio acquisitions”.

– Endre Rangnes, CEO.

Strategic partnership enables geographical growth

As part of this strategic partnership, Aleph and the J. Safra Group are pleased to announce the signing of definitive documentation to purchase Multigestion Iberia S.L.U. (“Multigestion”). In March 2021, a fund backed by Aleph had announced the agreement to acquire Finans2 in Norway. Multigestion and Finans2, pending receipt of regulatory approval in Norway, will be both integrated into the new pan-European platform by the management team led by CEO Endre Rangnes. The acquisition of Multigestion marks the next key milestone in the development of the platform as it establishes itself as a significant pan-European NPL purchaser and servicer.

Multigestion has solid track record in Iberian market

Multigestion is a well-established player in the Iberian NPL markets, having operated in Spain and Portugal for close to 30 years. Multigestion has scale, bringing with it circa 250 employees and EUR 5.7 billion of NPLs under management as a third-party collection provider (3PC), and mainly serves the financial services sector. Finally, Multigestion has developed a highly scalable collection platform and has invested significantly in new collection processes over the past 3 years.

In addition to Multigestion, the new platform has also made its first acquisition of a Spanish unsecured NPL portfolio. The portfolio has an outstanding principal of EUR 3.16 billion and consists of 650 000 claims. The portfolio will be managed by Multigestion.

Market growth supports geographical expansion

According to the European Central Bank, the size of the European NPL market is expected to increase to ~EUR 1.4 trillion by end 2022.  The platform’s new management team has proactively targeted Iberia as one of the first jurisdictions to expand into along with the Nordics. The ambition is to become the partner of choice to local financial institutions for the management of their unsecured NPL portfolios, whether through NPL sales or long-term scalable and flexible servicing agreements. Following the Multigestion acquisition, the new platform will be well positioned to do exactly this in Iberia.

“Multigestion is a great match for the new platform. Combining our knowledge and experience from the Spanish and Portuguese credit management industry with the group’s knowledge and financial resources will enable us to deliver a competitive debt collection offering and grow our operations to the next level”, says Jacques Llorens, CEO of Multigestion.

Multigestion in brief

  • 30 years of knowledge in debt collection
  • Present in Spain and Portugal
  • 250 employees
  • EUR 5.7 billion portfolio managed in 3PC
  • Recently acquired NPL-portfolio of EUR 3.16 billion consisting of 650.000 claims

Comments from Zolva CEO

“With the acquisition of the Multigestion, we are acquiring a solid platform in Spain and Portugal and will be well positioned in the financial services segment, focusing both on third party collections and portfolio acquisitions. We are excited to get more than 250 new colleagues and a very experienced management team on board. This acquisition is the first step in our Pan-European growth plan with focus on the financial services sector.”

  • Endre Ranges, CEO of Zolva Group

Closing of the acquisitions

Closing of the Multigestion and Spanish NPL transactions are not subject to any regulatory approval and are expected to occur by the end of July 2021. The acquisition of Finans2 remains subject to on-going regulatory approval by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Nw. Finanstilsynet). Once the approval is obtained the businesses will be combined into the new group structure.

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Endre Rangnes becomes the new CEO at Finans2

27 okt 2021, 5:30 GMT

Endre Rangnes becomes the new CEO at Finans2

On Friday, Jon Harald Nordbrekken announced that Bank2 has entered into an agreement with Aleph Capital Partners to acquire Finans2.

Endre Rangnes becomes the new CEO at Finans2, the debt collection company currently managed by Jon Harald Nordbrekken

On Friday, Jon Harald Nordbrekken announced that Bank2 has entered into an agreement with Aleph Capital Partners to acquire Finans2. As part of the transaction, Finans2 will purchase the bank’s portfolio of non-performing loans.

Finans2 will be managed by CEO Endre Rangnes and a new management team gathered under his leadership. Jon Harald Nordbrekken will become the Chairman.

Endre`s new leadership role gives him the opportunity to get back at Axactor after he was fired from the company one year ago.

”I was contacted by Aleph Capital and asked if I wanted to join their new platform as CEO. I could not turn down the offer, and I look forward to contributing with my knowledge and drive to establish Finans2 as a new competitor in the credit management industry”, says Rangnes to Finansavisen.

”In Europe there are large volumes of non-performing portfolios to be sold. Not all players have equal access to capital, which has created an imbalance in the marked. As such, our timing is very good. The prices are going down, and we have over NOK 10 billion to spend”.


Establishes a new competitor

How do you think your previous employer reacts to the news about you establishing a new competitor?

”I must admit that I haven’t thought about that. We are entering into a large market. As such, I believe there is room for another competitor”, says Rangnes.

When Rangnes started Axactor in 2015, he came from the position as CEO at Lindorff. At the time, Axactor recruited many of Lindorff’s employees. Instead of shareholders fearing that the same would happen this time around, the Axactor shares got a solid boost on the Oslo Stock Exchange. B2Holding also experienced the same boost. Jon Harald Nordbrekken is the third largest shareholder.

On Friday, both shares increased with 4,4 percent.

Aleph Capital pays NOK 400 million for an 80 percent ownership share in Finans2. Nordbrekken and Rangnes enters the company with a total of NOK 50 million, giving them 20 percent ownership. In addition, Aleph Capital Partners will contribute with NOK 4 billion to create a leading pan-European non-performing loan platform and debt collection agency. With additional loans, Finans2 will have more than NOK 10 billion to trade non-performing portfolios.

”We will work together with banks and financial institutions to buy non-performing portfolios. The ambition is to use Finans2 as a starting point for further expansion in the European market”, says Rangnes.


Several analysts predict that there will be a bull market for the debt collection industry after the pandemic.

– In Europe there are large volumes of non-performing portfolios to be sold. Not all players have equal access to capital, which has created an imbalance in the marked. As such, our timing is very good. The prices are going down, and we have over NOK 10 billion to spend, says Rangnes.

However, Rangnes will not reveal which countries Finans2 will enter first. His only comment is that they are relatively large markets in Europe with a good volume of non-performing portfolios.

”Our aim is to rapidly establish our business and enter seven countries within the next six to twelve months. Aleph Capital has a very good network of financial institutions in several European countries. Finans2 already have offices in Denmark and Sweden”, says Rangnes. To Finansavisen`s knowledge, Finland will be one of the first countries the company will enter. This entry fits Nordbrekken`s profile. All of his companies have invested in Finland at an early stage.

Experienced management team

”We are establishing a competitor to both Axactor and B2Holding”, says Nordbrekken, and continues:

”The credit management market is huge and will grow in the future. As such, it is not a problem that we are establishing a new competitor”.

Nordbrekken has a value of NOK 215 million in B2Holding and has not sold a share in the company he once established. This week, several major shareholders, such as Stenshagen Invest and Rasmussen Group, acquired more shares in the company.

Nordbrekken and Rangnes may be characterized as some of the most experienced stakeholders in the industry.

Jon Harald Nordbrekken

  • Has worked in debt collection industry since 1980’s
  • Chairman of Zolva Group
  • Founder of Finans2
  • Founder and Chairman of Bank2
  • Founder and Chairman of B2Holding
  • Founder of Aktiv Kapital
  • CEO of Intrum Justitia Norway

Endre Rangnes

”In this industry you need to work with the best people. We are searching for the most talented people, and with our network I am sure we will attract the right minds”, says Rangnes.

  • Founder and CEO of Zolva Group
  • Founder and Group CEO of Axactor
  • Board Member of TietoEVRY
  • CEO of Lindorff Group
  • General Manager of IBM Norway

No plans to sell his stocks in Axactor

Rangnes is still the fourth largest shareholder in Axactor. However, he will not sell his shares, even though Axactor is one of Finans2`s competitors.

”The market value of Axactor does not reflect the underlying values in the market. I think the entire industry will be revalued, due to large volumes of debt portfolios coming on the market soon”, says Rangnes.

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